It is a story that started from the end...
And yes, that little girl in the picture has something to do with the story. But, we will come to her later.
Well, you didn't read it wrong. Our story started from the end. The end of his job, end of his career, end of passion in anything Wushu, and end of his relationship with Wushu. Jun Beng was disillusioned after so many years in the industry. His job as a Wushu coach has left a bad aftertaste in the sport that was once his first love.
In his determined effort to get away from Wushu, Jun Beng enrolled himself into UniSim – a private local university. A complete career switch was much needed and furthering his education was a viable option.
While waiting for matriculation to UniSim, Jun Beng was in limbo, uncertain of what was becoming of his future.
In spite of the many calls he received from parents of ex-students for him to set up his own Wushu academy, Jun Beng refused. He had no wish to create competition to his previous employer, nor the interest to do that.
This changed one day when he was spending time with his young daughter, Leah (the girl in the picture). While playing, Leah then tried to hold her hands up in the greeting position (as in the picture), trying to imitate what she has seen among Jun Beng's students in Wushu lessons. This is the traditional greeting in Wushu - a sign of respect. This was a gentle reminder to Jun Beng of his passion, Wushu. And Leah was a reminder of the Wushu students he had left behind.
What came next wasn't any fairytale ending, but a series of contemplation and struggles, before Jun Beng finally decided to start his own Wushu academy, Xuan Sports.
The Chinese character 'Xuan' means to propogate/announce, which is our motto - 'To bring (propogate) Wushu to the masses'. We believe in creating an inclusive Wushu curriculum that promotes health and well-being for all ages, besides just training competitive athletes.
Xuan Sports started off in 2013 and has been incorporated into Xuan Sports and Wellness Pte Ltd in 2018.
Our vision stays the same, in that we still believe in bringing Wushu to the masses.

We will pick one value from 弟子规 (Di Zi Gui - Standards for being a Good Pupil & Child - written based on the ancient teaching of Confucius that emphasies the basic requisites for being a good person, and guidelines for living in harmony with others) every month and teach our students to pronounce the phrases.
We will be projecting the Value everyday, and our coaches will also spend some time speaking to the students on the values.
Parents can help us by making the kids copy the value on paper, written in Chinese, 10 times. Take a photo of it and send to any of our coaches. This is to create an awareness on good values within our students, in the hope that they will eventually be ingrained in them.