Xuan Sports Performance at "Hougang Taiji Wushu Interaction Night 2024" | 宣武门 | 在“2024后港太极武术互动之夜”表演

Xuan Sports Performance at "Hougang Taiji Wushu Interaction Night 2024" | 宣武门 | 在“2024后港太极武术互动之夜”表演 

On 7 December 2024, Xuan Sports Taiji and Wushu athletes delivered a captivating performance at the Hougang Taiji Wushu Interaction Night 2024!  

This meaningful event brought together the Singapore Taiji and Wushu community, and we were honoured to share the stage with such talented individuals.  

🎥 Watch as our athletes showcase the beauty, grace, and discipline of Taiji and Wushu. A heartfelt thank you to the organisers for this wonderful opportunity!  

Do not forget to like, subscribe, and share this video to spread the love for Taiji and Wushu!

🎥 Watch the full performance here: https://youtu.be/-tMBglZblrU

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