It is that time of the year again: a time when the months of training culminate into that very moment on the carpet. A rather stressful time, I must say. To the athletes, this is a test of their techniques and skills, to the coaches, it is a showcase of their efforts and to the parents, it is a really busy period. Yet, we choose to go through it over and over again.
Ah...The National School Games, that's what it is.
As per previous years, the primary school segment of the National School Games (Wushu) is held at Tao Nan School. And as per previous years, the school hall is transformed into a battleground for the Wushu athletes. The loud cheers, colourful costumes and wonderful display of the athletes’ prowess. This is indeed a spectacle not to be missed.
This year, Xuan Sports has had a wonderful end in this competition, with truly amazing results.
Let us look back at the seven days of competition.

Day 1 & 2 – Days of Bare-Fist Routines
Traditionally, the first two days are those that are filled with Quan routines – from Changquan, Taijiquan to Nanquan. These days saw the display of all the available styles of Quan in the National School Games. Our athletes were well-prepared for battle to start and they were ready to put their skills to the test. Let’s have a look of our medallists from the first two days of competition.
Day 1 Medallists:
3-Duan Changquan
Junior Boys
1st Kenji Tan (Rulang Primary School - Xuan Sports athlete)
2nd Julius Lee (Tao Nan School - Xuan Sports athlete)
Junior Girls
1st Leah Tan (Anderson Primary School - Xuan Sports athlete)
42-Style Taijiquan
Junior Boys
1st Matthew Ang (Catholic High School, Primary)
2nd Gareth Cheong (Catholic High School, Primary)
3rd Antonio Chee (Mee Toh School)
Junior Girls
1st Suzanne Lee (Keming Primary School)
2nd Danielle Ang (Unity Primary School - Xuan Sports athlete)
3rd Regan Hu (Keming Primary School)
Senior Boys
1st Isaac Wong (Keming Primary School)
3rd Joshua Wong (De La Salle School - Xuan Sports athlete)
Senior Girls
1st Goh Wen Xi (Keming Primary School)
2nd Ng Jing Tong (Keming Primary School)
3-Duan Nanquan
Junior Boys
1st Cedrik Peh (Ai Tong School - Xuan Sports athlete)
3rd Joshua Pang (Catholic High School, Primary)
Junior Boys
2nd Adam Goh (Mee Toh School)
Junior Girls
1st Pearlyn Ong (Ai Tong School - Xuan Sports athlete)
2nd Yoo Yu Huan (Ai Tong School - Xuan Sports athlete)
Senior Boys
1st Isaac Yang (Catholic High School, Primary)
Senior Girls
3rd Isabel Sze (Keming Primary School)
5-Duan Changquan
Junior Girls
1st Heidi Kong (Keming Primary School)
3rd Sarah Yau (Xuan Sports athlete)

Day 2 Medallists:
5-Duan Nanquan
Junior Boys
3rd Tan Teng Jue (Pei Hwa Presbyterian Primary School - Xuan Sports athlete)
Junior Girls
3rd Khoo Wen Yi (CHIJ Our Lady Queen of Peace - Xuan Sports athlete)
Senior Boys
1st Javier Kok (Innova Primary School - Xuan Sports athlete)
2nd Douglas Leow (Gongshan Primary School - Xuan Sports athlete)
Senior Girls
1st Ezanne Ho (Keming Primary School)
2nd Jesel Tang (Tao Nan School - Xuan Sports athlete
3rd Chong Yeng Tung, Candice (Fernvale Primary School - Xuan Sports athlete)
5-Duan Changquan
Senior Boys
1st Brayden Cheong (Keming Primary School)
4th Gideon Lee (Westwood Primary School - Xuan Sports athlete)
Senior Girls
1st Berlynn Ng (De La Salle School - Xuan Sports athlete)
2nd Cheryl Leong (Nanyang Primary School - Xuan Sports athlete)
Senior Boys
1st Nicholas Loh (Catholic High School, Primary)
3rd Truman Chia (Westwood Primary School - Xuan Sports athlete)
Senior Girls
3rd Isabel Sze (Keming Primary School)
24-Style Taijiquan
Junior Boys
1st Dylan Seah (Pei Hwa Presbyterian Primary School - Xuan Sports athlete)
3rd Chase Lim (Catholic High School, Primary)
Junior Girls
1st Cholene Aw (Ngee Ann Primary School - Xuan Sports athlete)
2nd Chleo Neo (Yew Tee Primary School - Xuan Sports athlete)
4th Lee Zi Xian (Keming Primary School)
Senior Boys
2nd Ian Chua (Catholic High School, Primary)
3rd Jerome Goh (De La Salle School - Xuan Sports athlete)
Senior Girls
1st Chloe Lim (Keming Primary School)
2nd Phoenix Sun (Keming Primary School)
It was indeed a fruitful start for Xuan Sports as we clinched 17 gold medals out of the 28 events in total.

Day 3, 4 & 5 – Battle of the Swords
The following three days in the National School Games saw the athletes pitching their skills against one another in the short-weapon routines. Namely, there are four types of short weapon routines being displayed in these three days: the sword, broadsword, Nan Dao (Southern Broadsword) and the Taijijian (the Taiji Sword). The techniques involved, as well as, the types of swords being used here are all different. This makes it much more interesting for the spectators as they get to see the different arrays of sword skills in display.
Minus all the beautiful display, these weapons do post a real threat and it is not uncommon that athletes accidentally hurt themselves in their practices. Such is the price to pay to do well in their events and indeed, they have put in their sweat and ‘blood’ for the weapons’ events.
Let us have a look at our medallists in the various sword events.
Day 3 Medallists:
4-Duan Broadsword
Junior Boys
2nd Chua Xin Yun (Mee Toh School)
5-Duan Broadsword
Junior Boys
1st Julius Lee (Tao Nan School - Xuan Sports athlete)
3rd Tan Teng Jue (Pei Hwa Presbyterian Primary School - Xuan Sports athlete)
4-Duan Sword
Junior Boys
1st Jovan Lee (Greenridge Primary School - Xuan Sports athlete)
3rd Tay Yu Cheng (West Grove Primary School)
Junior Girls
1st Leah Tan (Anderson Primary School - Xuan Sports athlete)
5-Duan Sword
Junior Boys
1st Kenji Tan (Rulang Primary School - Xuan Sports athlete)
Junior Girls
1st Heidi Kong (Keming Primary School)
Day 4 Medallists:
4-Duan Sword
Senior Boys
1st Gideon Lee (Westwood Primary School - Xuan Sports athlete)
5-Duan Sword
Senior Boys
2nd Ang Yi Qi (Catholic High School, Primary)
Nan Dao (Southern Broadsword)
Junior Boys
2nd Joshua Pang (Catholic High School, Primary)
4th Ethan Yeo (Anglo-Chinese School, Primary - Xuan Sports athlete)
Junior Girls
1st Pearlyn Ong (Ai Tong School - Xuan Sports athlete)
2nd Yoo Yu Huan (Ai Tong School - Xuan Sports athlete)
4th Khoo Wen Yi (CHIJ Our Lady Queen of Peace - Xuan Sports athlete)
Senior Boys
1st Brayden Cheong (Keming Primary School)
Senior Girls
2nd Anya Sim (Nan Hua Primary School)
4-Duan Broadsword
Senior Boys
1st Truman Chia (Westwood Primary School - Xuan Sports athlete)
2nd Ethan Lee (Ai Tong School - Xuan Sports athlete)
5-Duan Broadsword
Senior Boys
2nd Douglas Leow (Gongshang Primary School - Xuan Sports athlete)
Senior Girls
1st Cheryl Leong (Nanyang Primary School - Xuan Sports athlete)
Day 5 Medallists:
32-Style Taijijian
Junior Boys
2nd Chase Lim (Catholic High School, Primary)
3rd Tan Bao Xin (Keming Primary School)
4th Joshua Ang (Mee Toh School)
Junior Girls
1st Cholene Aw (Ngee Ann Primary School - Xuan Sports athlete)
2nd Danielle Ang (Unity Primary School - Xuan Sports athlete)
4th Lee Zi Xian (Keming Primary School)
Senior Boys
1st Isaac Wong (Keming Primary School)
2nd Jerome Goh (De La Salle School)
Senior Girls
1st Phoenix Sun (Keming Primary School)
2nd Ng Jing Tong (Keming Primary School)
3rd Sarah Kwok (Punggol View Primary School - Xuan Sports athlete)
42-Style Taijijian
Junior Boys
1st Gareth Cheong (Catholic High School, Primary)
2nd Matthew Ang (Catholic High School, Primary)
3rd Antonio Chee (Mee Toh School)
4th Hung Shu Chi (Keming Primary School)
Junior Girls
1st Chloe Neo (Yew Tee Primary School – Xuan Sports athlete)
2nd Suzanne Lee (Keming Primary School)
3rd Regan Hu (Keming Primary School)
Senior Boys
1st Joshua Wong (De La Salle School - Xuan Sports athlete)
2nd Ian Chua (Catholic High School, Primary)
Senior Girls
1st Goh Wen Xi (Keming Primary School)
2nd Chloe Lim (Keming Primary School)
Nan Dao (Southern Broadsword)
Senior Boys
2nd Isaac Yang (Catholic High School, Primary)
Senior Girls
1st Ezanne Ho (Keming Primary School)
3rd Isabel Sze (Keming Primary School)
4th Chong Yeng Tung, Candice (Fernvale Primary School - Xuan Sports)
Junior Girls
1st Sarah Yau (Ai Tong School - Xuan Sports athlete)
Junior Boys
4th Yam Hong Rui (Yew Tee Primary School - Xuan Sports athlete)
Senior Boys
1st Nicholas Loh (Catholic High School, Primary)
3rd Jayden Sng (Northland Primary School - Xuan Sports athlete)
Senior Girls
1st Berlynn Ng (De La Salle School - Xuan Sports athlete)
At the conclusion of the short-weapon events, we were more than happy to have won over half of the available gold medals. It is comforting to see our athletes being rewarded for their efforts.
Nonetheless, there were near misses for a few of our athletes, which cost them their medals. Such is what the pressure of competition may bring.

Day 6 – Day of the Long Weapons
This was another exciting day on which all the routines for long weapons such as the cudgel and spear were on display. It was a ‘long’ day indeed since all categories of long-weapons and all the four divisions were on for this day.
Here are our medallists.

Day 6 Medallists:
4-Duan Cudgel
Junior Boys
3rd Chong Yeng Cheng, Brandon (Fernvale Primary School - Xuan Sports athlete)
Senior Boys
1st Gideon Lee (Westwood Primary School - Xuan Sports athlete)
5-Duan Cudgel
Senior Boys
3rd Jerome Goh (De La Salle School - Xuan Sports athlete)
4th Ethan Lee (Ai Tong School - Xuan Sports athlete)
Junior Boys
1st Julius Lee (Tao Nan School - Xuan Sports athlete)
4th Archie Yau (Catholic High School, Primary)
Senior Girls
2nd Cheryl Leong (Nanyang Primary School - Xuan Sports athlete)
4-Duan Spear
Junior Boys
1st Jovan Lee (Greenridge Primary School - Xuan Sports athlete)
3rd Anders Ng (Kranji Primary School - Xuan Sports athlete)
Junior Girls
1st Leah Tan (Anderson Primary School - Xuan Sports athlete)
2nd Chloe Neo (Yew Tee Primary School - Xuan Sports athlete)
Senior Boys
1st Nicholas Loh (Catholic High School, Primary)
5-Duan Spear
Junior Boys
1st Kenji Tan (Rulang Primary School - Xuan Sports athlete)
2nd Tay Yu Cheng (West Grove Primary School)
3rd Tan Teng Jue (Pei Hwa Presbyterian Primary School - Xuan Sports athlete)
4th Gareth Tan (Catholic High School, Primary)
Junior Girls
1st Heidi Kong (Keming Primary School)
Senior Boys
1st Ian Chua (Catholic High School, Primary)
2nd Isaac Wong (Keming Primary School)
3rd Ang Yi Qi (Catholic High School, Primary)
Senior Girls
2nd Phonix Sun (Keming Primary School)
3rd Goh En Hian (Keming Primary School)
Junior Boys
1st Chua Xin Yun (Mee Toh School)
Senior Boys
1st Brayden Cheong (Keming Primary School)
2nd Truman Chia (Westwood Primary School - Xuan Sports athlete)
3rd Jayden Sng (Northland Primary School - Xuan Sports athlete)
Senior Girls
1st Berlynn Ng (De La Salle School - Xuan Sports athlete)
2nd Goh Wen Xi (Keming Primary School)
4th Anya Sim (Nan Hua Primary School)
Nan Gun (Southern Cudgel)
Junior Boys
2nd Joshua Pang (Catholic High School, Primary)
3rd Ethan Yeo (Anglo-Chinese School, Primary - Xuan Sports athlete)
Junior Girls
1st Khoo Wen Yi (CHIJ Our Lady Queen of Peace - Xuan Sports athlete)
3rd Pearlyn Ong (Ai Tong School - Xuan Sports athlete)
Senior Boys
1st Isaac Yang (Catholic High School, Primary)
2nd Javier Kok (Innova Primary School - Xuan Sports athlete)
Senior Girls
1st Ezanne Ho (Keming Primary School)
2nd Isabel Sze (Keming Primary School)
With the conclusion of Day 6, the individual events were completed. Xuan Sports has achieved a medal tally of 50 golds, 39 silvers, 29 bronzes and 14 fourth positions, which is the record year out of the four years that we have been participating.

Day 7 – Day of ‘Synchronised Wushu’
For people who are familiar with synchronised swimming, you would know that the athletes perform beautifully choreographed routines in the pool. The group events in Wushu is similar in the sense that the athletes also put on display, their choreographed routine in a group. Often times, this is a test of the coaches’ experience and skills to put together, the best set of routine for their athletes based on the different sets of skills available. Watching the group events is a joy as we see displays of wonderful Wushu stunts, many varieties of routines, colourful costumes and nicely styled hairdos among the athletes.
We are indeed happy to have clinched six top positions out of the eight available events. To our athletes, we really couldn’t ask for more.
Here’s the group events results:
Group Quanshu
Junior Boys
1st Catholic High School (Primary)
Junior Girls
1st Keming Primary School
Senior Boys
2nd Catholic High School (Primary)
Senior Girls
1st Keming Primary School
Group Weapon
Junior Boys
1st Catholic High School (Primary)
Junior Girls
1st Keming Primary School
Senior Boys
2nd Catholic High School (Primary)
4th Mee Toh School
Senior Girls
1st Keming Primary School

The entire competition concluded with the prize-giving for the divisional titles. Our school, Catholic High School (Primary), swept both the Junior and Senior Boys divisional title while Keming Primary Schools took that of the Senior Girls category. Keming’s Junior Girls team managed to come in second and their Senior Boys team squeezed themselves into third position in their respective divisions. Worthy of mention is Mee Toh School’s Junior Boys team, which got into the top 6th position in their division. All our athletes have worked really hard for this competition and to see them reap what they have sowed, the coaches are indeed comforted.
Divisional Placing
Junior Boys
1st Catholic High School (Primary)
Junior Girls
2nd Keming Primary School
Senior Boys
1st Catholic High School (Primary)
3rd Keming Primary School
Senior Girls
1st Keming Primary School

Some of the silent contributors to this success are (in no particular order), our main coaches, who took turns to take our competitors for warm-ups and pre-competitions preparations, our assistant coaches who tirelessly cheered for our athletes and our parents who not only helped to cheer, but provided everything else like photography services, make-up and hairstyling services and even catering services! Parents whose kids are already in secondary school have even come to the event to support our primary school competitors. This is such a touching gesture as it shows the unity of our Xuan family.
We know that we are strong, not only because of athletic prowess of our students, but because of this unity we see in fighting this battle together. Such is the beauty of our big Xuan family.
As much as we could, we tried to include all photographs of our students here but as you know, all these uploading are done manually. Therefore, if we have left out photographs of any of our athletes, we sincerely apologise for this.
Last but not least, we would really want to share this really cute photograph, which we really love. This photograph was taken when Kavan was anxiously waiting for his turn in his event.

Kudos, everyone.
Photo credit: Mr Alan Tan